SWIFT Transfers

ABA Bank brings you a modern and safe banking experience for your outward and inward remittances. For more information on international bank transfers, check the options below.

The ABA Bank SWIFT code is ABAAKHPP.

Outward SWIFT Transfers

If you want to transfer funds abroad in the safest and most efficient manner, choose our Outward SWIFT service that provides you with the most quick and efficient procedure using secured SWIFT technology. With SWIFT transfers, your funds will be transferred directly to the beneficiary’s bank account quickly and securely.

In order to make your banking experience with ABA even easier, we have created interactive OTT (Outward Telegraphic Transfer) forms for remittances. You can easily download each of them, fill in when it is convenient for you, print out and bring to your nearest ABA branch.

To download the forms, please follow the links below:

CurrencyCommission1Cable chargeAmendment
USD0.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 30
CAD0.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
AUD0.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
EUR0.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
GBP20.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
THB30.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
CNY0.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
VND0.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
JPY40.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40
SGD50.15% or min. USD 15USD 15USD 40

For telegraphic transfer FX calculator, please click here for more details.

Cancellation fee for any currency/amount: USD 30.

1 If​ you​ would​ like​ to​ pay​ ABA​ Bank​ and​ intermediary/correspondent​ bank​ charges​ to​ ensure​ full​ amount​ of​ transfer​ to​ be​ delivered​ to​ beneficiary​ bank,​ you​ should​ select​ “OUR”​ option​ while​ completing​ the​ OTT​ form. In​ such​ case,​ additional​ fees​ apply:​


2 For GBP transfers less than GBP 100, additional fee of GBP 5 will apply.
3 For THB transfers, the minimum transaction limit is THB 1,000.
4 For JPY transfers below or equal to JPY 10,000,000, OUR fee is fixed at USD 100. For transfers more than JPY 10,000,000, OUR fee is USD 100 + 0.05% on the transfer amount.
5 For​ SGD​ transfers​ to​ other​ countries​ except​ Singapore,​ additional​ fee​ will​ apply​ SGD​ 20​ +​ 0.125%​ Max​ SGD​ 200​ on​ SGD​ transfer​ amount​ (Apply​ all​ charge​ options​ SHA,BEN,OUR).

Transfer of funds abroad is executed via our Correspondents Banks and their network around the world. The following is the list of our correspondent banks for different currencies, which can be used to facilitate the payments to and from ABA bank accounts:

CurrencyCorrespondent Bank NameSwift Code
USDJPMorgan Chase Bank National Association, USACHASUS33
USDStandard Chartered Bank, USASCBLUS33
USDStandard Chartered Bank (Singapore) LimitedSCBLSG22
USDWoori Bank, South KoreaHVBKKRSE
USDKookmin Bank, South KoreaCZNBKRSE
USDKEB Hana Bank, South KoreaKOEXKRSE
USDOversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, SingaporeOCBCSGSG
USDJoint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam, VietnamBFTVVNVX
USDKasikornBank Public Company Limited, ThailandKASITHBK
VNDJoint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam, VietnamBFTVVNVX
CADNational Bank of Canada, CanadaBNDCCAMMINT
USDNational Bank of Canada, CanadaBNDCCAMMINT
EURNational Bank of Canada, CanadaBNDCCAMMINT
EURCommerzbank AG, GermanyCOBADEFF
GBPStandard Chartered Bank, UKSCBLGB2L
CNYChina Construction Bank Corporation, ChinaPCBCCNBJGPS
CNYICBC Limited Phnom Penh BranchICBKKHPP
CNYBank of China (Hong Kong) Limited Phnom Penh BranchBKCHKHPPCLR
THBStandard Chartered Bank (Thai), ThailandSCBLTHBX
THBKasikornBank Public Company Limited, ThailandKASITHBK
KRWWoori Bank, South KoreaHVBKKRSE
AUDJPMorgan Chase Bank National Association, AustraliaCHASAU2X
JPYSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, JapanSMBCJPJT

Note:​ There​ are​ specific​ requirements​ for​ certain​ countries​ as​ below:​

Destination Country Mandatory for ABA customer to input
USA Routing Number/Fedwire Number/ABA
United Kingdom Sort code
New Zealand BSB Number
Australia BSB Number
Canada6 Transit Number and Institution Number
Thailand Branch Name
Japan Branch Name/Branch Code
Latvia Intermediary Bank
Vanuatu Intermediary Bank
UAE Purpose Code

6 For the transfer to Canada, the receiver’s address is required in this format “Street Number-Suite/Apartment Number, Street Name, City, Province Code, Postal Code, Country” to avoid being rejected or suspended from receiving’s bank.

For more info, please call at 1 800 203 203.

Advanced​ Bank​ of​ Asia​ Limited​ Money​ Transfer​ Terms​ and​ Conditions

Please​ read​ these​ terms​ and​ conditions​ carefully.​ These​ terms​ and​ conditions​ are​ an​ agreement​ between​ you​ (“the​ applicant")​ and​ Advanced​ Bank​ of​ Asia​ Limited​ (“the​ bank”)​ on​ money​ transfers.

  1. The​ applicant​ confirms​ that​ the​ information​ provided​ is​ true​ and​ correct,​ and​ the​ bank​ is​ not​ responsible​ for​ any​ delays,​ errors,​ or​ omissions​ caused​ by​ the​ applicant's​ misprinting​ and/or​ inaccuracy.
  2. ​The​ applicant​ agrees​ not​ to​ disclose​ to​ third​ parties​ his​ or​ her​ username,​ PIN​ code,​ passwords,​ or​ any​ other​ credentials​ required​ for​ using​ the​ ABA​ Bank​ mobile/I-Banking​ application.
  3. The​ applicant​ confirms​ that​ he​ or​ she​ processes​ own​ transactions​ and​ do​ not​ carry​ out​ any​ transactions​ on​ behalf​ of​ third​ parties.
  4. The​ applicant​ authorizes​ the​ bank​ to​ debit​ his​ or​ her​ account​ for​ the​ transfer​ amount,​ as​ well​ as​ the​ money​ transfer​ fees.
  5. ​The​ applicant​ understands​ and​ confirms​ that​ the​ bank​ will​ apply​ its​ internal​ currency​ exchange​ rate​ to​ process​ money​ transfers​ in​ foreign​ currencies.​
  6. The​ bank​ will​ process​ a​ transaction​ on​ the​ following​ business​ day,​ and​ the​ new​ exchange​ rate​ for​ money​ transfers​ in​ foreign​ currencies​ can​ be​ applied​ if​ transaction​ is​ pending​ for​ compliance​ review​ or​ a​ transaction​ is​ received​ after​ the​ cut-off​ time​ (4​ p.m.​ Cambodian​ time).
  7. ​The​ applicant​ authorizes​ the​ bank​ to​ postpone,​ suspend,​ or​ cancel​ the​ money​ transfer​ if​ the​ bank​ or​ its​ correspondent​ bank​ finds​ that​ it​ may​ be​ related​ to​ unlawful​ conduct​ and/or​ breach​ of​ any​ national​ or​ international​ laws​ or​ regulations.
  8. The​ applicant​ guarantees​ that​ the​ money​ transfer​ has​ no​ connection​ to​ any​ illegal​ activities,​ money​ laundering,​ or​ financing​ of​ terrorism.​ The​ bank​ has​ the​ right​ to​ reject​ or​ suspend​ any​ transfer​ if​ required​ for​ its​ AML/KYC​ purposes.
  9. The​ applicant​ indemnifies​ the​ bank​ for​ any​ claims,​ losses,​ or​ objections​ if​ the​ correspondent​ or​ beneficiary​ bank​ blocks​ or​ rejects​ the​ applicant's​ transaction​ due​ to​ international​ sanctions​ or​ restrictions.
  10. The​ applicant​ agrees​ to​ provide​ additional​ information​ and/or​ documents​ related​ to​ the​ money​ transfer​ upon​ the​ bank​ request.
  11. ​From​ time​ to​ time,​ the​ bank​ may​ change​ its​ fees​ and​ commissions,​ as​ well​ as​ these​ terms​ and​ conditions,​ without​ prior​ notice.
  12. The​ bank​ may​ disclose​ the​ money​ transfer​ information​ to​ third​ parties​ in​ accordance​ with​ the​ legislation​ of​ the​ Kingdom​ of​ Cambodia,​ including​ but​ not​ limited​ to​ court​ decisions,​ investigations,​ and​ regulations.
  13. The​ applicant​ acknowledges​ that​ there​ is​ a​ possibility​ of​ requesting​ cancellation​ or​ amendment​ from​ relevant​ banks​ due​ to​ their​ bank​ policy.
  14. The​ applicant​ agrees​ that​ the​ new​ exchange​ rate,​ cancellation/amendment​ fees,​ and​ other​ fees​ will​ be​ applied​ to​ the​ applicant​ for​ any​ cancellation​ request​ or​ amendment​ request.​ The​ successful​ cancellation​ or​ amendment​ depends​ on​ the​ relevant​ bank​ policy​ or​ consent​ from​ the​ beneficiary.​
  15. In​ the​ event​ of​ a​ money​ transfer​ cancellation,​ the​ bank​ will​ only​ return​ the​ applicant's​ funds​ after​ receiving​ them​ from​ the​ correspondent​ bank.​ Before​ returning​ the​ funds,​ the​ correspondent​ bank​ or​ beneficiary​ bank​ should​ impose​ and​ deduct​ its​ fees​ on​ the​ returned​ amount.
  16. ​To​ amend​ or​ cancel​ your​ transaction,​ you​ must​ fill​ it​ out,​ sign​ the​ amendment/cancellation​ form,​ and​ personally​ submit​ the​ physical​ application​ to​ any​ of​ our​ offices.​ You​ can​ download​ the​ form​ from​ our​ website​ at​ https://www.ababank.com/en/international-transfers/.​
  17. The​ "OUR"​ payment​ option​ means​ that​ the​ applicant​ is​ responsible​ for​ all​ ABA​ Bank​ fees​ and​ intermediary​ bank​ fees.​ Additionally,​ the​ beneficiary's​ bank​ may​ impose​ certain​ fees​ per​ its​ procedures.​ The​ bank​ cannot​ guarantee​ that​ the​ beneficiary​ will​ receive​ the​ full​ transfer​ amount​ as​ the​ beneficiary​ bank​ or​ its​ intermediary​ bank​ may​ impose​ additional​ charges​ that​ will​ be​ deducted​ from​ the​ transferred​ amount.​
  18. The​ application​ acknowledges​ that​ not​ all​ banks​ implement​ the​ "OUR"​ payment​ option.​
  19. The​ "BEN"​ payment​ option​ means​ that​ all​ the​ bank's​ fees​ will​ be​ deducted​ from​ the​ transfer​ amount.​
  20. The​ “SHA”​ payment​ option​ means​ each​ party​ (the​ applicant​ and​ the​ beneficiary)​ is​ responsible​ for​ their​ own​ money​ transfer​ fee,​ which​ is​ imposed​ by​ their​ bank.
  21. To​ complete​ the​ transfer​ properly,​ the​ bank​ may​ select​ a​ correspondent​ bank​ on​ its​ own​ initiative,​ acting​ on​ its​ best​ efforts.​ Such​ a​ correspondent​ bank​ has​ the​ authority​ to​ impose​ a​ fee,​ either​ by​ deducting​ it​ from​ the​ beneficiary's​ funds​ or​ by​ charging​ it​ directly​ to​ the​ bank.​ Should​ the​ bank​ receive​ the​ fee​ from​ the​ correspondent​ bank,​ it​ will​ debit​ the​ applicant's​ account​ accordingly.​
  22. In​ relation​ to​ the​ money​ transfer,​ the​ bank​ is​ not​ responsible​ for​ any​ taxes,​ duties,​ or​ other​ expenses​ that​ might​ occur​ in​ other​ countries.
  23. In​ some​ countries,​ the​ IBAN​ number​ is​ mandatory.​ Please​ confirm​ with​ the​ beneficiary​ before​ making​ any​ transfers.​ For​ more​ details,​ please​ refer​ to:​ https://www.iban.com/structure
  24. ​The​ bank's​ branches​ can​ process​ transfers​ to​ some​ countries​ that​ are​ not​ available​ in​ the​ ABA​ Bank​ mobile/I-Banking​ application.

To​ make​ your​ banking​ experience​ with​ us​ even​ more​ convenient​ and​ efficient,​ conduct​ your​ cross-border​ transfers​ using​ ABA​ Mobile!​ To​ learn​ more,​ click​ link​ https://www.ababank.com/aba-mobile-app/transfers/aba-swift-mobile-transfers/

Inward SWIFT Transfers

ABA Bank offers a quick transfer of money from abroad for individual persons/corporations via Inward Bank remittances through our network of correspondent banks in major currencies.


For all incoming transfers, sender should provide the following details to his/her bank to effect payment to your ABA Account.

Beneficiary NameYour name as per ABA Bank record
Beneficiary AddressYour address
Beneficiary Account NumberYour​ 9-digit​ account​ number with ABA Bank
Beneficiary Bank AddressNo. 148, Preah Sihanouk Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Beneficiary Bank SWIFT CodeABAAKHPP
Correspondent BankChoose one correspondent bank as per currency of remittance from our correspondent bank list.
Currency Amount Commission
USD 0.01 - 1.00 FREE
USD 1.01 - 10.00 USD 1
USD Above 10 0.10% or min. USD 10 (whichever is higher)
Any amount FREE
  • Cancellation fee for any currency/amount: USD 30.
  • Investigation fee USD 100. To be deducted from transfer amount in case of funds return to remitting bank because of suspected fraud.

At the sender's convenience, all the major currencies prefilled electronic forms are available here. Simply download the form, insert receiver's ABA account details directly in it and you're done.

Currency Form
United States Dollar (USD) Download
Canadian Dollar (CAD) Download
Euro (EUR) Download
Australian Dollar (AUD) Download
British Pound (GBP) Download
Thai Baht (THB) Download
Singapore Dollar (SGD) Download
Chinese Yuan (CNY) Download
Vietnamese Dong (VND) Download
Japanese Yen (JPY) Download

Dear​ customers,​ please​ be​ informed​ that​ starting​ from​ February​ 1,​ 2020,​ all​ SWIFT​ inward​ transfers​ will​ only​ be​ processed​ if​ ABA's​ 9-digit​ account​ number​ is​ used​ in​ the​ payment​ instruction.​ Any​ transfer​ using​ ABA's​ 16-digit​ payment​ card​ number​ will​ not​ be​ accepted.​ For​ more​ information​ please​ contact​ ttsupport@remove-this.ababank.com.

Inward Remittance offers a quick transfer of money from abroad for individual persons or corporations via Inward Bank remittances through our network of correspondent banks in major currencies.

Click one of below expected sending currency to get the details of Inward Swift Transfer Instruction to provide to your sender to remit the fund to your ABA account:

  • United States Dollar (USD)
  • Canadian Dollar (CAD)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • Australian Dollar (AUD)
  • British Pound (GBP)
  • Thai Baht (THB)
  • Singapore Dollar (SGD)
  • Chinese Yuan (CNY)
  • Vietnamese Dong (VND).
ABA Bank Swift Code: ABAAKHPP
Normally, the process of transfer money from oversea is 3 business days.
Customers can receive international money transfers sent to Cambodia via SWIFT in Euro (EUR), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Australian Dollar (AUD), British Pound (GBP), Thai Baht (THB), Singapore Dollar (SGD) ,Chinese Yuan (CNY), Vietnamese Dong (VND), Japanese Yen (JPY) through ABA correspondent banks which will be converted to USD and credited to customer’s USD account with Free of charge.
Our head office branch address is #148, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The maximum amount for Inward transfer is unlimited.

Other Remittance Services

We also offer international money transfer through MoneyGram and Ria Money Transfer. For overseas Filipino workers, money remittance service is now easy through MoneyGram (MoneyGrado) and DBP Money Transfer.

General Terms and Conditions apply. You need Adobe Reader to view this PDF files.