SWIFT Statement Service
If you are running an international company or a group of companies and need a convenient overview of your corporate bank account and remaining balance, ABA SWIFT Account Statement Message Service (MT 940) is your solution.
ABA SWIFT Account Statement Service is based on a standard SWIFT message that comes in a form of an electronic bank statement via the SWIFT network. Any SWIFT network member, whether domestic or international bank (subject to SWIFT authorization) can receive your end-of-day account statement upon your request.
- Statement in the universal SWIFT MT940 standard that can be easily recognized internationally.
- Complete information on your bank account shared with the world-class security.
- Your accounting system can import the ready-to-use SWIFT account statement directly.
- Instant account statement reviews for timely accounting reconciliation.
USD 50 per bank account per month.
How to apply
To apply for the service, complete the application form and submit it to the Bank.
You must have the followings:
- ABA account with positive balance (OD account is not applicable)
- SWIFT code of the receiving bank
General Terms and Conditions and General Terms and Conditions for Online Services apply. You need Adobe Reader to view these PDF files.