Riel​ Flexi​ Deposit

Do​ you​ need​ a​ deposit​ account​ that​ allows​ you​ to​ enjoy​ attractive​ interest​ rate,​ which​ does​ not​ change​ when​ you​ urgently​ withdraw​ funds​ from​ the​ account?​

ABA’s​ Flexi​ Deposit​ account​ in​ Khmer​ Riels​ (KHR)​ is​ designed​ to​ give​ you​ greater​ control​ over​ your​ investment​ with​ unlimited​ deposits​ /​ withdrawals,​ attractive​ rate,​ and​ quarterly​ payment​ of​ interest.

With​ ABA​ Riel​ Flexi​ Deposit​ account,​ you​ can​ deposit​ and​ withdraw​ funds​ any​ time​ you​ like​ and​ still​ enjoy​ the​ same​ interest​ rate!

There are various convenient ways to replenish your ABA account with cash or via instant cashless transfers from other banks and e-wallets.

Learn more


Minimum​ opening​ balance1 million KHR
Minimum​ ongoing​ balance​1 million​ KHR
Interest​ rate​ (p.a.)11.75%
Interest​ payment​Monthly​ or​ upon​ account​ closure
Account​ replenishment​ABA​ Branch,​ Cash-in​ machine,​ and​ ABA​ Mobile
Monthly​ account​ serviceFree
Mobile​ banking​ service​Free
Abandonment Fee2Apply to CIFs inactive for a consecutive period of 4 years and longer
PassbookNot​ provided.​ Can​ be​ purchased​ at​ 20,000​ KHR​ per​ book.
Access to deposits
  • ABA​ Mobile​ app
  • ABA​ Bank​ branches

All Terms and Conditions are subject to ABA Bank’s sole discretion without prior notice to customers.

1 Interest​ rate​ is​ accrued​ at​ 365​ (three​ hundred​ sixty-five)​ days​ a​ year,​ considering​ actual​ quantity​ of​ days​ a​ month.
2 Abandonment Fee
Note: Inactive CIF(s) means a CIF did not have any transaction on any of his/her account(s) during this period.

AbandonmentFee (per customer)
Year 1 USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00
Year 2USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00 
Year 3USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00
Year 4USD 50.00 / KHR 200,000
Year 5 and upUSD 100.00 / KHR 400,000

Important​ note

Acceptance​ of​ notes​ is​ subject​ to​ meet​ ABA​ guidelines.​ Fee​ applies​ based​ on​ the​ denomination​ and​ daily​ amount​ received​ over​ the​ counter.​ Contact​ the​ bank​ staff​ for​ details.

If​ an​ over-the-counter​ deposit/withdrawal​ between​ different​ regional​ branches​ exceeds​ the​ daily​ limit​ of​ KHR​ 20,000,000,​ the​ fee​ of​ 0.10%​ of​ the​ total​ amount​ applies.

You can open the account instantly in the ABA Mobile app or at any ABA Bank branch. Here are the requirements for the account opening at our branch:

For locals

  • Be at least 15 years old;
  • Bring​ the​ original​ and​ valid​ National​ ID​ or​ Passport;
  • Complete our Application form.

For foreigners

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Bring​ the​ original​ and​ valid​ Passport​ (with​ valid​ visa)​ and​ any​ document​ that​ proves​ your​ residential​ status4;
  • Complete our Application form.

4 Proof of residence includes the followings:

  • Multiple-entry​ visa​ without​ leaving​ the​ country​ for​ at​ least​ 182​ days​ in​ a​ year;
  • Proof​ of​ residence​ (house​ rental​ contract.​ certificate​ of​ residential​ address,​ hotel​ lease/bill)​ including​ a​ minimum​ of​ 6​ months​ tenor​ in​ the​ contract;​ or​
  • Proof​ of​ employment​ (employment​ contract,​ certificate​ of​ employment)​ indicating​ a​ minimum​ of​ 6​ months​ employment​ or​ business​ license/certificate​ (if​ self-employed).


  • ​Customer​ must​ meet​ all​ the​ outlined​ requirements​ before​ opening​ an​ account.

For​ further​ information,​ please​ visit​ your​ nearest​ ABA​ Bank​ branch​ or​ give​ us​ a​ call​ at​ 1 800 203 203.