ABA Business Overview

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ABA​ Business​ offers​ faster,​ smarter​ and​ more​ secure​ online​ banking​ for​ small,​ medium​ and​ large​ companies​ with​ comprehensive​ services​ accessible​ anytime,​ anywhere​ right​ from​ your​ computer.

ABA Bank has been certified to meet the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements. With ABA Bank, you can be confident that your card payments are protected by the industry's leading security measures.

With​ ABA​ Business,​ you​ can​ pay​ company​ bills​ easily,​ process​ payrolls​ on​ time,​ transfer​ funds​ to​ your​ local​ and​ international​ suppliers​ securely,​ process​ batch​ transactions,​ get​ alerts​ and​ notifications​ on​ your​ account​ balances​ and​ many​ more. To learn more about of these great features, watch the demo videos by clicking here.

Key Benefits

Real-time​ display​ of​ your​ accounts​ and​ cash​ positions​ from​ anywhere​ and​ anytime

​Hassle-free​ integration​ with​ your​ ERP​ /​ Accounting​ systems​

Timely​ alerts​ and​ notifications​ on​ your​ account​ balances​ and​ fund​ movements

​Secure​ initiation​ and​ authorization​ of​ financial​ and​ non-financial​ instructions​ based​ on​ your​ company​ rules​ and​ policies

​Real-time​ reconciliation​ of​ incoming​ funds​ to​ reduce​ your​ operational​ costs​ and​ reduce​ manual​ errors​ /​ omissions

​Single​ /​ multiple​ companies​ management


Payments​ and​ collections

  • Process​ payroll​ to​ bank​ accounts​ and/or​ e-wallets
  • Pay​ bills​ to​ a​ wide​ range​ of​ vendors​ including​ utilities,​ Internet/TV,​ phone,​ and​ others
  • Transfer​ to​ local​ banks
  • ​Transfer​ to​ partners​ or​ suppliers​ within​ or​ outside​ Cambodia
  • Setup​ batch​ payment​ processing
  • ​Set​ schedule​ to​ avoid​ late​ payments​
  • ​Manage​ checkbooks
  • ​Enjoy​ real-time​ payment​ reconciliations
  • Pay all types of taxes, including Monthly Taxes, Annual Income Tax, Road Tax, Property Tax, Enterprise Tax, and others

Security​ and​ administrative​ control

  • ​Security​ Token​ that​ generates​ one​ time​ PINs​ for​ creation​ and​ authorization​ of​ transactions
  • ​Self​ and​ Dual-Authorization​ with​ multilevel​ approval​ process​ to​ suit​ your​ needs
  • Approve​ single​ or​ bulk​ transactions
  • Receive​ alerts​ and​ notifications​ on​ account​ balances,​ fund​ movements​ and​ others

Other​ advanced​ features

  • Open​ Fixed​ Deposit1​ accounts
  • ​Forward​ exchange​ rate​ contracts​ for​ international​ transfers
  • Virtual​ Accounts​ for​ easy​ reconciliations​ of​ incoming​ funds
  • ​Host-To-Host​ solution​ to​ enable​ straight-through-processing​ from​ your​ ERP/accounting​ systems

1 To learn how to open a Fixed Deposit account via ABA Business, click here.

Want to get started?

We believe in providing exceptional online banking service, tailored for your business needs. To apply online without visiting the bank branch, click the button below and our ABA Business team will take care of the rest. For any further inquiry on this service, call us at 023 925 333 or email us at digitalsupport@remove-this.ababank.com.

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