Ria Mobile Transfers

ABA​ Bank​ partners​ with​ Ria​ Money​ Transfer​ (Ria)​ to​ bring​ fast​ and​ secure​ way​ of​ fund​ transfers​ in​ the​ ABA​ Mobile​ app.​

ABA​ customers​ can​ send and receive​ money​ via​ Ria​ Money​ Transfer​ around​ the​ world​ directly​ from or into​ their​ accounts​ 24/7​ using​ ABA​ Mobile​ and​ without​ visiting​ a​ branch.

How​ to​ send​ money​ using​ Ria​ transfer​ in​ ABA​ Mobile

  1. Launch​ ABA​ Mobile​ app;​
  2. Go​ to​ Transfers​ and​ tap​ International​ Transfer​ –​ Ria;
  3. Choose​ Send​ Money;​
  4. Select​ the​ account​ you​ want​ to​ send​ from​ and​ input​ the​ necessary​ receiver’s​ info;
  5. At​ Receiving​ option,​ choose​ either​ Pick​ up​ at​ Agent1​ or​ Bank​ Deposit2;
  6. Key​ in​ the​ purpose​ of​ sending,​ your​ relationship​ with​ the​ receiver,​ the​ receiving​ currency3,​ and​ the​ transfer​ amount4;
  7. Tap​ Transfer​ and​ confirm​ the​ transaction​ with​ your​ 4-digit​ ABA​ Mobile​ PIN;
  8. Once​ done,​ a​ 11-digit​ code5​ of​ the​ transaction​ will​ appear.​ You​ can​ tap​ it​ to​ share​ with​ the​ receiver.

1 Pick​ up​ at​ Agent​ is​ available​ if​ the​ receiving​ country​ has​ this​ facility.​ Depending​ on​ the​ destination​ country,​ you​ may​ need​ to​ key​ in​ the​ agent’s​ name.
2 Bank​ Deposit​ requires​ you​ to​ input​ the​ Receiver’s​ bank​ name,​ account​ number​ and​ account​ type​ as​ well​ as​ other​ information​ required​ by​ the​ receiving​ bank.​
3 The​ receiving​ currency​ depends​ on​ the​ destination​ country’s​ currency.
4 Transfer amount is between 10 and 9,999 USD with a maximum limit of 9,999 USD per customer within 30 calendar days. Fee in USD will be displayed after the transfer amount has been entered. The recipient can only receive a maximum limit of 9,999 USD within 30 calendar days.
5 The​ transaction​ code​ is​ valid​ for​ 21​ days​ and​ you​ always​ can​ find​ it​ in​ the​ Notifications​ section​ of​ ABA​ Mobile.

How​ to​ receive​ money​ using​ Ria​ transfer​ in​ ABA​ Mobile

  1. Launch​ ABA​ Mobile​ app;
  2. Go​ to​ Transfers​ and​ tap​ International​ Transfer​ –​ Ria;
  3. Choose​ Receive​ Money1;
  4. Enter the 11-digit code of the transaction (provided by sender)
  5. Tap​ Deposit​ button​ and​ confirm​ the​ transaction​ with​ your​ 4-digit​ ABA​ Mobile​ PIN.

1 Maximum receiving amount is USD 9,999 per transaction.

Transfer fees via ABA Mobile are same as in ABA branches. Please visit Ria Money Transfer for more details.

Important information

  • The​ information​ displayed​ in​ this​ manual​ is​ for​ demo​ purpose​ only.​
  • Amendment/cancellation fee is 5 USD per transaction. Fill in this form and bring to the nearest ABA branch immediately.

Why​ Ria?

Ria​ provides​ facilities​ to​ send​ and​ receive​ money​ internationally​ through​ its​ network​ of​ agents​ worldwide.​ Ria​ International​ Mobile​ Transfer​ is:

  • fast​ and​ safe​ –​ you​ can​ immediately​ do​ transfers​ in​ ABA​ Mobile​ at​ your​ fingertips;
  • easy​ –​ you​ can​ transfer​ funds​ at​ any​ time​ of​ the​ day​ using​ ABA​ account​ as​ long​ as​ you​ are​ an​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ user;
  • quick​ and​ convenient​ –​ you​ do​ not​ need​ to​ visit​ any​ bank​ branch​ as​ money​ will​ be​ transferred​ directly​ to/from​ your​ account​ using​ ABA​ Mobile​ app;
  • available​ worldwide​ –​ you​ can​ send​ and​ receive​ money​ through​ Ria’s​ network​ of​ more​ than​ 447,000​ locations​ worldwide.

Download​ the​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ today​ to​ start​ using​ it​ for​ Ria​ Mobile​ Transfers​ and​ other​ useful​ features!


Please​ read​ these​ terms​ and​ conditions​ carefully.​ These​ terms​ and​ conditions​ are​ an​ Agreement​ between​ you​ (“the​ Applicant”),​ Ria​ Company​ (“Ria”),​ and​ Advanced​ Bank​ of​ Asia​ Limited​ (“the​ Bank”)​ on​ Ria​ money​ transfers.

1.​ The​ Applicant​ confirms​ that​ the​ provided​ information​ is​ true​ and​ correct​ and​ the​ Bank​ is​ not​ responsible​ for​ any​ delays,​ errors​ and​ omissions​ caused​ by​ misprinting​ and/or​ inaccuracy​ of​ the​ Applicant.

2.​ The​ Applicant​ authorizes​ the​ Bank​ to​ debit​ his/her​ account​ for​ the​ transfer​ amount​ and​ amount​ of​ commissions.​

3.​ The​ Applicant​ understands​ and​ confirms​ that​ the​ exchange​ rates​ are​ provided​ by​ Ria​ and​ will​ be​ applied​ to​ process​ money​ transfer​ in​ foreign​ currencies.

4.​ The​ Applicant​ authorizes​ the​ Bank​ to​ postpone,​ suspend​ or​ cancel​ the​ money​ transfer​ if​ the​ Bank​ found​ that​ it​ may​ be​ related​ to​ unlawful​ conduct​ and/or​ breach​ of​ any​ national​ or​ international​ laws​ or​ regulations.

5.​ The​ Applicant​ undertakes​ that​ the​ money​ transfer​ is​ not​ related​ to​ any​ illegal​ activities​ and/or​ money​ laundering​ and/or​ terrorism​ finance.​ The​ Bank​ has​ the​ right​ to​ reject​ or​ suspend​ any​ transfer​ if​ required​ for​ its​ AML/KYC​ purposes.

6.​ The​ Applicant​ undertakes​ to​ provide​ additional​ information​ and/or​ documents​ related​ to​ the​ money​ transfer​ if​ requested​ by​ the​ Bank.

7.​ The​ Applicant​ undertakes​ that​ his/her​ user​ name,​ PIN​ code,​ passwords​ and​ all​ other​ credentials​ necessary​ for​ using​ of​ the​ Bank​ mobile​ application,​ were​ not​ disclosed​ to​ third​ parties.

8.​ The​ Applicant​ confirms​ that​ he/she​ is​ using​ the​ Bank​ mobile​ application​ for​ his/her​ own​ transactions​ only,​ and​ does​ not​ conduct​ any​ transactions​ on​ behalf​ of​ third​ parties.

9.​ The applicant understands and agrees that the transfer fees are not refundable in case the transaction is cancelled by Ria.

10.​ The​ Bank​ is​ not​ responsible​ for​ any​ taxes,​ duties​ and​ other​ expenses,​ which​ might​ occur​ in​ relation​ to​ the​ money​ transfer.

11.​ The​ Bank​ may​ change​ its​ fees​ as​ well​ as​ these​ Terms​ and​ Conditions​ from​ time​ to​ time​ with​ or​ without​ prior​ notice.

12.​ The​ Bank​ may​ disclose​ the​ money​ transfer​ information​ to​ third​ parties​ in​ accordance​ with​ the​ legislation​ of​ the​ Kingdom​ of​ Cambodia​ including,​ but​ not​ limited​ by,​ court​ decisions,​ investigations​ and​ regulations.​ The​ Applicant​ also​ understands​ and​ agrees​ that​ the​ information​ about​ money​ transfer​ will​ be​ available​ to​ Ria,​ and​ that​ such​ information​ might​ be​ disclosed​ to​ third​ parties​ in​ accordance​ with​ the​ legislations​ and​ regulations​ of​ the​ countries​ of​ Ria​ operations.

13.​ Money​ transfer​ will​ be​ performed​ for​ personal​ purposes​ only,​ no​ commercial​ transactions​ of​ any​ nature​ are​ allowed.​ Neither​ Ria​ nor​ the​ Bank​ shall​ be​ responsible​ for​ any​ losses​ resulting​ from​ money​ transfer​ for​ investment​ or​ business​ purposes,​ or​ for​ purchase​ of​ goods​ or​ services.

14.​ In the event of a money transfer cancellation, the bank will return the transferred amount to the sender upon receipt from Ria. The sender understands and agrees that Ria or the bank might charge cancellation and other fees and that the applied exchange rate may be changed.

15.​ Neither​ Ria​ or​ the​ Bank​ shall​ have​ any​ liability​ to​ the​ Applicant​ for​ any​ late​ or​ non-delivery​ to​ a​ Receiver​ due​ to​ errors​ or​ delays​ occurring​ in​ the​ wire​ electronic​ transmission,​ equipment​ or​ system​ failure,​ strikes​ that​ are​ beyond​ the​ control​ of​ Ria​ or​ the​ Bank​ or​ any​ incorrect​ or​ unclear​ information​ given​ by​ the​ Applicant.

16.​ The​ Bank​ and​ Ria​ may​ apply​ certain​ limits,​ such​ as​ per​ transaction,​ per​ month,​ per​ customer,​ etc.​ Such​ limits​ could​ change​ from​ time​ to​ time​ with​ or​ without​ prior​ notice.

17.​ Upon​ completion​ of​ the​ money​ transfer,​ the​ Applicant​ must​ provide​ Ria​ PIN​ Number​ to​ the​ Receiver.​ The​ Applicant​ must​ be​ cautious​ in​ sharing​ Ria​ PIN​ Number,​ and​ is​ solely​ responsible​ for​ keeping​ the​ Ria​ PIN​ Number​ confidential​ and​ unavailable​ to​ third​ parties.​ The​ Bank​ and​ Ria​ will​ not​ be​ responsible​ for​ any​ losses​ resulting​ from​ improper​ use​ or​ disclosure​ of​ the​ Ria​ PIN​ Number​ or​ transaction​ information.

18.​ In​ case​ of​ amendment​ or​ cancellation​ the​ Applicant​ indemnifies​ the​ Bank​ and​ Ria​ from​ any​ demands,​ actions,​ proceedings,​ liabilities,​ claims,​ damages,​ losses,​ costs​ and​ expenses​ related​ to​ such​ amendment​ or​ cancellation.

Contact​ us​ instantly​ without​ leaving​ the​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ by​ tapping​ the​ Contact​ Us​ button​ on​ the​ app’s​ main​ screen.​ Additionally,​ you​ can​ chat​ with​ us​ via​ Facebook​ Messenger,​ on​ our​ website​ or​ call​ us​ 24/7​ hotline​ at​ 098 203 203.

With​ Ria,​ your​ transferred​ money​ can​ be​ picked​ up​ at​ any​ Ria​ agent​ by​ receiver​ when​ you​ choose​ the​ "Pick​ Up​ at​ Agent"​ option.​ Your​ receiver​ will​ need​ to​ show​ the​ 11-digit​ tracking​ number​ generated​ during​ the​ transaction​ and​ identification​ document(s)​ officially​ recognized​ by​ the​ recipient​ country.​ Alternatively,​ the​ money​ can​ be​ directly​ credited​ into​ the​ receiver’s​ bank​ account​ when​ you​ choose​ the​ “Bank​ Deposit”​ option​ in​ the​ app.
Money​ is​ transferred​ almost​ immediately​ for​ the​ cash​ payout​ (Pick​ Up​ at​ Agent)​ option.​ For​ the​ “Bank​ deposit”​ option,​ the​ transaction​ is​ processed​ instantly​ by​ ABA​ Bank​ and​ the​ funds​ will​ be​ credited​ into​ the​ receiver’s​ account​ based​ on​ their​ bank’s​ processing​ time.
You​ can,​ but​ you​ will​ need​ to​ process​ the​ transaction​ over​ the​ counter​ at​ an​ ABA​ branch.​ Please​ visit​ any​ nearest​ branch​ with​ the​ ID​ card​ (for​ Cambodians)​ or​ Passport​ with​ valid​ visa​ (for​ foreigners)​ or​ call​ us​ via​ 098 203 203​ for​ more​ information.​
You​ can​ if​ the​ "Bank​ Deposit"​ option​ is​ available​ at​ your​ receiving​ bank​ and​ receiving​ country.
No,​ Ria​ Outward​ Transfer​ is​ applicable​ for​ individual​ transfers​ only​ and,​ therefore,​ cannot​ be​ used​ for​ money​ transfers​ to​ a​ company's​ account.​
The​ transfer​ amount​ is​ between​ US$​ 10​ and​ US$​ 9,999​ with​ a​ monthly​ maximum​ limit​ of​ US$​ 9,999.
Sending​ fee​ depends​ on​ the​ transfer​ amount​ and​ the​ beneficiary​ country.​ The​ fee​ in​ USD​ will​ be​ displayed​ after​ the​ transfer​ amount​ has​ been​ entered.​ For​ the​ list​ of​ countries​ where​ Ria​ Money​ Transfer​ is​ available,​ please​ refer​ to​ https://www.riamoneytransfer.com/us/en.​ 
To​ cancel​ the​ transaction​ processed​ in​ the​ app,​ you​ need​ to​ immediately​ visit​ your​ nearest​ ABA​ branch​ and​ complete​ Ria​ Amendment​ Form.​ Please visit this link to download the form: www.bit.ly/2Ceeolx
You​ can​ only​ make​ amendment​ on​ the​ receiver’s​ name​ for​ the​ “Pick​ Up​ at​ Agent”​ option​ if​ the​ transaction​ hasn’t​ been​ paid​ out​ yet.​ No​ changes​ are​ allowed​ if​ you​ selected​ the​ “Bank​ Deposit”​ option.​ Please​ refer​ to​ the​ question​ above​ if​ you​ want​ to​ cancel​ a​ transaction.
Yes,​ the​ amendment​ or​ cancellation​ fee​ is​ US$​ 5​ per​ transaction.
You​ and​ your​ receiver​ can​ track​ the​ transaction​ using​ the​ 11-digit​ code​ generated​ during​ the​ transfer​ on​ Ria's​ website:​ www.riamoneytransfer.com​ or​ visit​ an​ ABA​ branch​ to​ find​ out​ the​ status​ of​ the​ transaction.
A​ transaction​ can​ be​ rejected​ for​ the​ following​ reasons:
  • The​ transfer​ amount​ has​ exceeded​ the​ maximum​ limit.
  • Receiver’s​ information​ is​ insufficient.
  • Transaction​ cannot​ be​ processed​ due​ to​ the​ ABA​ Bank’s​ money​ transfer​ policy.​
For​ the​ list​ of​ countries​ where​ Ria​ Mobile​ Transfers​ is​ available,​ please​ refer​ to​ https://www.riamoneytransfer.com/us/en.​
After​ a​ transaction​ is​ complete,​ a​ 11-digit​ code​ and​ other​ transaction​ details​ appear​ on​ your​ mobile​ screen.​ To​ share​ them​ with​ the​ receiver,​ simply​ tap​ the​ code.​ IMPORTANT:​ never​ share​ the​ 11-digit​ code​ and​ other​ transactions​ details​ with​ anyone​ else​ except​ the​ receiver.
Yes,​ you​ can.​ Simply​ move​ the​ “Add to Favaorites”​ toggle​ when​ you​ make​ your​ first​ transfer​ in​ ABA​ Mobile,​ and​ the​ template​ for​ this​ transfer​ will​ be​ automatically​ added​ to​ the​ list​ of​ your​ templates​ under​ the​ Favaorites​ menu​ of​ the​ app.​