ABA Business Tax Collection
ABA Business platform offers its users to pay their monthly and yearly taxes securely and on time from the comfort of their office. When making a tax payment, forms and documents such as E-Filing and TOI can be scanned and uploaded easily onto the platform.
Why pay company taxes through ABA Business?
Use ABA Business for free
Pay directly from your ABA account
Save time and pay securely
Upload scanned documents1 for submission
1 E‐Filing, Pre‐Filing, P101, and TOI.
Tax types2 accepted on ABA Business
Enterprise Tax3
Tax on Means of Transportation
Property Tax
coming soon
2 Tax under the Zero Tax Payment category is not payable via ABA Business.
3 Includes monthly taxes (salary tax, WHT, prepayment tax, VAT, etc.) and annual taxes (income tax, patent tax, etc.)
Required documents Enterprise Tax:
- E‐Filing
- Pre‐Filing
- P101
- and TOI.
Important Note:
- Payments must be made 3 (three) working days before the tax due date;
- Payments made after 2 PM will be processed on the next business day;
- The payment amount must always match the amount in the invoice;
- Payments4 made in USD will be based on a competitive exchange rate, special for ABA Business users.
4 Click here to learn more about opening a KHR account.
If you are not yet using ABA business and want to learn more about this product, contact our Relationship Manager at your nearest ABA branch or call our contact center at 023 925 333 or get in touch with our ABA Business team at digitalsupport@. ababank.com
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