Savings Account
ABA Savings Account is your most efficient and secure way to start saving.
ABA Savings Account comes with zero opening and ongoing balance, supports unlimited deposits and withdrawals, and offers an attractive interest rate of up to 1.5% p.a.!
There are various convenient ways to replenish your ABA account with cash or via instant cashless transfers from other banks and e-wallets.
Interest rate (p.a.) in USD
Daily Balance | Interest Rate |
USD ≤ 1,000 | 0.00% |
USD ≤ 10,000 | 0.10% |
USD ≤ 25,000 | 0.15% |
USD ≤ 50,000 | 0.20% |
USD ≤ 100,000 | 0.30% |
USD ≤ 500,000 | 0.45% |
USD > 500,000 | 0.70% |
Interest rate (p.a.) in KHR
Daily Balance | Interest Rate |
KHR ≤ 20,000,000 | 1.00% |
KHR ≤ 100,000,000 | 1.25% |
KHR > 100,000,000 | 1.50% |
Currency | USD | KHR |
Initial opening balance for residents | N/A | |
Initial opening balance for non-residents | N/A | |
Minimum ongoing balance | N/A | |
Withdrawals | Unlimited withdrawals, in cash or non-cash forms, are allowed at any time and in any amount upon the condition of minimum ongoing balance preserved on the account | |
Acceptant notes | Any types of fit KHR note will be accepted at with some applicable charges3 | |
Interest payment | Monthly or upon account closure | |
Early closure4 | Fee of USD 20/KHR 80,000 is applied for closing the account within 3 months from opening date | |
Replenishment | Unlimited transactions in cash or non-cash forms are allowed | |
Monthly account service | Free | |
Passbook5 | USD 5/book | |
Mobile Banking6 | Free | |
ATM card7 | Free | |
Dormant fee8 | USD 10 / KHR 40,000/p.a. | |
Certify account balance | USD 10 / KHR 40,000/piece | |
Audit confirmation | USD 10 / KHR 40,000/time | |
Nostro or Banker check | USD 10 / KHR 40,000/check |
All Terms and Conditions are subject to ABA Bank’s sole discretion without prior notice to customers.
1 Interest rate is accrued on 365 (three hundred sixty-five) days a year, considering actual quantity of days a month. Further, if total balance at End of Day (EOD) is less than and/or equivalent to the defined threshold, a lower interest rate will be applied for accruals. In contrast, if total balance at EOD is more than the defined threshold, a higher interest rate will be applied.
3 Fee of different types of notes and quantity. Charge is applied on total sum of small notes link here.
4 Customers are required to return passbooks, cards, and any given account facilities to the Bank.
5 Fee of USD 5 is applied for issuance & re-issuance.
6 It’s available for personal account only.
7 USD 5 / KHR 20,000 is applied for card replacement either lost or damaged; excluding expired card/ broken chip or magnetic strip.
8 System will automatically charge USD 10 if account is not operative for 12 months or more, except Government Inst.
Along with the interest rate on your funds, you also get:
- Free access to your account through ABA Mobile app
- Flexibly earn money on your money – interest is accrued on daily basis and paid on semi-annual basis or upon account closure;
- Conveniently access your account balance through Debit Master or Visa Card, ABA Business or visiting one of the ABA Bank’s Branches;
- Flexibly withdraw funds from your current account at any time provided that the minimum ongoing balance is preserved on the account without any additional cost;
- Transact inward & outward remittances necessary balance to be used while remaining balance keeps earning money for you;
- Deposit additional funds into your account without restriction;
- Feel secured with getting instant notification about your account for free by using ABA Mobile app.
You can open the account instantly in the ABA Mobile app or at any ABA Bank branch. Here are the requirements for the account opening at our branch:
For locals
- Be at least 15 years old;
- Bring the original and valid National ID or Passport;
- Complete our Application form.
For foreigners
- 18 years old and above;
- Original and Valid Passport (not expired).
- Valid Visa (not expired)—any type of visa approved by The Government of Cambodia is acceptable. Such visas may include, but not limited to a stamp entry visa (for foreigner from ASEAN country members), E-Visa, Visa on Arrival or any other type of visa introduced from time to time by the Government of Cambodia.
- Submit one the following documents to proof the residency status:
- A Visa period of 6 months or longer, or
- Many visas which are consecutively issued to the holder, with a combined visa period of not less than 6 months or 182 days, or
- House rental/lease contract, certificate of residential address, hotel lease / bill indicating a tenor of not less than 6-month tenor,
- Proof of employment indicating at least 6-month employment period. Proof of employment may include employment contract, certificate of employment, employee ID with photo (indicating the date of issuance to the date of account opening not less than 6 months or 182 days), or
- Proof of business ownership if self-employed i.e. business license / certificate or patent
- Complete our Application form.
- Customer must meet all the outlined requirements before opening an account.
For further information, please visit your nearest ABA Bank branch or give us a call at 1 800 203 203.
- Maintain initial opening balance US$10 for residents, US$50 for non-residents, and US$100 for company.
- Customer can conveniently withdraw their balance anytime and with no limits at our 24/7 ATM or at any ABA branch.
- Free access to your account through ABA Mobile app and ABA Business
- Free monthly account statement (upon customer request)
- Free standing order service
- Free Standard MasterCard Credit Card for deposit balances from US$3,000 to 9,999;
- Free Visa Credit Platinum Lite for deposit balance of US$10,000 or more.
- Customer can get up to 90% of blocked deposit balances as credit limit (or minimum credit limit of US$500)
General Terms and Conditions, General Terms and Conditions for Online Services, and ABA Mobile Terms and Conditions apply. You need Adobe Reader to view these PDF files.