Mobile Riel​ Flexi​ Deposit

Using Khmer​ Riel​ brings​ you​ even​ more​ benefits​ in​ the ABA​ Mobile​ app!​ In​ just​ a​ few​ taps​ on​ your​ smartphone,​ you​ can​ start​ saving​ with​ interest​ and​ still​ have​ your​ money​ instantly​ available​ to​ you.

Mobile​ Flexi​ Deposit​ in​ Khmer​ Riels​ (KHR)​ offers​ you​ unlimited​ deposits/withdrawals, attractive​ rate,​ and​ quarterly​ payment​ of​ interest.

There are various convenient ways to replenish your ABA account with cash or via instant cashless transfers from other banks and e-wallets.

Learn more

Minimum​ opening​ balance1 million​ KHR
Minimum​ ongoing​ balance​1 million​ KHR
Interest​ rate​ (p.a.)11.75%
Interest​ payment​Monthly​ or​ upon​ account​ closure
PassbookNot​ provided
Number​ of​ accounts allowed3​ active​ accounts​ at​ any​ one​ time,​ exclusive​ of​ KHR​ account​ opened over the counter
Open channel​ABA Mobile App
Account replenishment
  • ​​ABA Bank branches
  • Cash-in machine
  • CDM
  • ABA Mobile
Operations conditionsAllowed Operation via ABA Mobile App only except Cash Deposit Over the Counter
Account closureABA Mobile
Acceptant notesAny types of fit KHR note will be accepted.
Early closureFree
Monthly account serviceFree
ABA Mobile Banking2Free
Dormant feeFree
Abandonment Fee3Apply to CIFs inactive for a consecutive period of 4 years and longer
Certify account balance​​KHR 40,000/piece
Audit confirmation​​KHR 40,000/time
Access to fund
  • ABA​ Bank​ branches
  • ABA Mobile App

Terms and Conditions are subject to ABA Bank’s sole discretion without prior notice to customers.

1 Interest​ rate​ is​ accrued​ at​ 365​ (three​ hundred​ sixty-five)​ days​ a​ year,​ considering​ actual​ quantity​ of​ days​ a​ month.
2 It’s available for personal account only.
3 Abandonment Fee
Note: Inactive CIF(s) means a CIF did not have any transaction on any of his/her account(s) during this period.

Abandonment Fee (per customer)
Year 1 USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00
Year 2 USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00
Year 3 USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00
Year 4 USD 50.00 / KHR 200,000
Year 5 and up USD 100.00 / KHR 400,000


To​ open​ a​ Mobile​ Riel​ Flexi​ Account,​ you​ should:

  • ​Be​ an​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ user;
  • ​Have​ at​ least​ one​ savings​ account​ in​ KHR​ opened​ over​ the​ counter.

Don’t​ have​ ABA​ Mobile​ yet?​

Click​ the​ icon​ below​ to​ download​ the​ application​ for​ FREE​ from​ Apple's App store, Google's Play Store or Huawei's AppGallery. After​ downloading,​ simply​ follow​ the​ screen​ instructions​ to​ start​ mobile​ banking!