Minor​ Account

ABA​ Minor​ Account​ is​ the​ starting​ point​ to​ save​ for​ your​ child’s​ future.​ It​ is​ a​ joint​ savings​ account​ that​ keeps​ your​ funds​ safe​ and​ growing​ with​ an​ interest​ rate​ of​ up​ to​ 0.75%​ p.a.​ in​ USD​ or​ up​ to​ 1.50%​ p.a.​ in​ KHR.

If​ you​ are​ not​ an​ ABA​ customer​ yet,​ you​ can​ open​ an​ ABA​ Minor​ Account​ together​ with​ your​ child​ at​ any​ of​ our​ branches.

To​ make​ the​ Minor​ Account​ opening​ even​ easier,​ we​ enabled​ Junior​ Account​ in​ the​ ABA​ Mobile​ app.​ A​ parent​ can​ create​ a​ joint​ account​ right​ in​ the​ app,​ after​ which​ their​ child​ can​ download​ ABA​ Mobile​ on​ their​ smartphone​ and​ get​ access​ to​ the​ account​ created​ by​ the​ parent.


Eligibility New​ or​ Existing​ customer​ and​ minor​ below​ 18​ years​ old
  • A​ parent/legal​ guardian​ is​ required​ to​ be​ a​ joint​ holder​ with​ the​ minor
  • Having​ a​ valid​ birth​ certificate​ or​ Family​ Book​ or​ Residential​ Book​ or​ passport​ for​ the​ minor
Opening channel ABA​ Branch
Account access channels
  • ​ABA​ Bank​ Branches
  • ​ATM
  • Mobile​ Banking
  • Cash-in​ Machine
  • Cheque​ Deposit​ Machine
Currency USD / KHR
Minimum opening balance USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00
Minimum ongoing balance USD 0.00 / KHR 0.00
Account facilities
  • Mobile​ Banking1
  • Card
  • ABA Digital Channels
  • Passbook
Deposit​ Conditions2 Unlimited​ deposit​ replenishments​ in​ cash​ or​ non-cash​ forms​ are​ allowed​ at​ any​ time​ and​ in​ any​ amount
Withdrawal​ Conditions3 ​Unlimited​ withdrawal​ from​ over​ the​ counter​ by​ the​ parent/legal​ guardian​ only
Early closure USD 20 / KHR 80,000 applied for closing the account within 3 months from the opening date
Channel to close the account ABA Branch
Service fees Type of Service Fee
Monthly account service Free of charge
Mobile Banking Free of charge
Passbook USD​ 5​ per​ book​ per​ request​ or​ per​ re-issue
Dormant fee4 USD 10.00
Certify Account balance USD​ 10​ per​ piece
Card No issuance fee. See our website for annual fees
Account​ Statement USD​ 2​ per​ request​ per​ account
Standing​ Instruction5 USD​ 2​ per​ successful​ transaction
Tax Status 4% for residents

Terms​ and​ Conditions​ are​ subject​ to​ change​ at​ ABA​ Bank’s​ sole​ discretion​ without​ prior​ notice​ to​ customers.

1 Applicable for a guardian, or a Cambodian minor who becomes 15 years old and above as of the ABA Mobile subscription date, or a foreign minor who becomes 18 years old and above as of the subscription date.
2​ Fee​ charge​ for​ OTC​ Cash​ Deposit​ and​ Withdrawal​ at​ the​ Inter-Regional​ Branches

Transaction Types Cash withdrawal/Deposit Transaction Non-Cash Transaction
The same regional branch Free of charge Free of charge
Different regional branch Free of charge Free of charge

3​ Customer​ needs​ to​ notify​ the​ bank​ at​ least​ 1​ day​ if​ the​ withdrawal​ amount​ >​ USD​ 100,000.
4​ System​ will​ automatically​ charge​ USD​ 10.00​ if​ account​ is​ not​ operative​ for​ 12​ months​ or​ more.​
5​ Transfer​ from​ one​ to​ another​ ABA​ account​ i.e.​ daily,​ weekly​ monthly,​ quarterly,​ semi-yearly,​ yearly.