Wing - ABA Transfers

ABA​ Bank​ and​ Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc​ offer​ easy​ fund​ transfers​ between​ ABA​ account​ and​ Wing​ wallet​ in​ just​ a​ few​ taps​ using​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ and​ Wing​ Money​ app.​ With​ the​ affordable​ fee​,​ you​ can​ send​ money​ between​ the​ two​ mobile​ apps​ with​ convenience.

Transfer from Wing to​ ABA

  1. Launch​ Wing​ Money​ app
  2. Tap​ Transfer
  3. Select​ Wing​ to​ Bank
  4. Select​ Wing​ account​ to​ transfer​ money​ from
  5. Input​ ABA​ account​ number​ and​ desired​ amount
  6. Tap​ Send
  7. Confirm​ the​ transaction​ with​ your​ Wing​ Money​ app​ PIN.


1 - 500.65
50.01 - 1000.90
100.01 - 5001.30
500.01 - 1,0001.50
1,000.01 - 10,0000.15%
4,000 - 200,0002,400
200,001 - 400,0003,600
400,001 - 2,000,0005,200
2,000,100 - 4,000,0006,000
4,000,100 - 40,000,0000.15%

Transfer from ABA​ to Wing

  1. Launch​ ABA​ Mobile​ app
  2. Tap​ Transfers​
  3. Select Transfer to Local Banks & Wallets
  4. Select Wing Bank
  5. Choose​ ABA​ account​ to​ transfer​ money​ from
  6. Input​ Wing​ account​ number​ (transfer​ currency​ will​ be​ based​ on​ the​ currency​ of​ this​ account)
  7. Enter​ the​ amount​ you​ wish​ to​ transfer
  8. Tap​ Transfer
  9. Check​ and​ verify​ the​ account​ information​ and​ amount
  10. Confirm​ the​ transaction​ with​ your​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ PIN.


1 - 500.65
50.01 - 1000.90
100.01 - 5001.30
500.01 - 10001.50
1,000.01 - 2,0003.00
2,000.01 - 2,5003.75
2,500.01 - 3,5005.00
3,500.01 - 5,0007.50
5,000.01 - 75,00010.00
7,500.01 - 85,00015.00
8,500.01 - 10,00020.00

4,000 - 200,000

200,001 - 400,0003,600
400,001 - 2,000,0005,200
2,000,100 - 4,000,0006,000
4,000,100 - 8,000,00012,000
8,000,100 - 10,000,00015,000
10,000,100 - 14,000,00020,000
14,000,100 - 20,000,00030,000
20,000,100 - 30,000,00040,000
30,000,100 - 34,000,00060,000
34,000,100 - 40,000,00080,000


Currency     Limit:

Click​ the​ icon​ below​ to​ download​ the​ application​ from​ Apple's App store, Google's Play Store or Huawei's AppGallery.​ After​ downloading,​ simply​ follow​ the​ screen​ instructions​ to​ start​ mobile​ banking!


Wing​ -​ ABA​ Transfers​ is​ the​ service​ integration​ between​ ABA​ Bank​ and​ Wing​ that​ allows​ customer​ to​ transfer​ funds​ between​ ABA​ account​ and​ Wing​ wallet​ using​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ and​ Wing​ Money​ app.
Launch​ Wing​ Money​ app​ on​ your​ phone,​ select​ Transfer,​ choose​ ABA​ Bank​ and​ fill​ in​ the​ required​ information​ as​ instructed​ by​ the​ app.​ See​ above​ the​ step-by-step​ guide​ for​ the​ fund​ transfer​ from​ Wing​ Money​ app​ to​ ABA​ Mobile.
Open​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ and​ tap​ Transfers​ button.​ After​ that,​ select​ Transfer​ to​ Wing,​ choose​ your​ ABA​ account,​ and​ fill​ in​ the​ necessary​ information​ for​ the​ transfer.​ See​ above​ the​ step-by-step​ guide​ for​ the​ fund​ transfer​ from​ ABA​ Mobile​ to​ Wing.
In​ such​ case,​ you​ need​ to​ inform​ ABA​ Contact​ Center​ immediately​ at​ 098 203 203,​ so​ that​ our​ support​ team​ can​ take​ further​ action​ to​ reverse​ amount​ into​ your​ account.​ Note:​ To​ avoid​ such​ situations,​ please​ always​ check​ twice​ the​ name​ and​ ID​ of​ Wing​ user​ before​ confirming​ the​ transfer​ in​ the​ app.
Please​ take​ a​ screenshot​ of​ the​ transaction​ in​ the​ transaction​ history​ and​ then​ send​ it​ to​ ABA​ Contact​ Center​ through​ the​ official​ Facebook​ Page’s​ Messenger​ or​ the​ official​ website’s​ online​ chat​ or​ via​ email​ to​ [email protected]​ for​ support.​ Additionally,​ you​ can​ call​ our​ 24/7​ Contact​ Center​ at​ 098 203 203.
You​ can​ simply​ re-launch​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ and​ verify​ your​ transaction​ history​ to​ check​ if​ the​ transaction​ has​ been​ successfully​ executed.​ In​ case​ of​ having​ any​ issue,​ please​ contact​ our​ 24/7​ Contact​ Center​ at​ 098 203 203​ for​ support.
Yes,​ you​ will​ get​ an​ instant​ push​ notification​ as​ soon​ as​ the​ money​ is​ credited​ to​ your​ account.
Yes,​ you​ can.​ Every​ new​ transaction​ is​ subject​ to​ the​ new​ fee​ charge.​ Please​ check​ the​ Transfer​ fees​ table​ for​ more​ info.