ABA Cash Deposit Facilities

ABA Cash-in Machines (CiM) and Cash Recycling Machines (CRM) are available at every branch and ABA 24/7 spot across the country so you can deposit your hard-earned cash to ABA accounts quickly, easily, and for free.
With ABA CiM or CRM, you can top up your own and any other ABA account, make loan repayments and even pay for services of different providers without having to visit ABA counters. The machines support KHR and USD currencies.
To initiate the cash deposit, you can use your ABA card (for CRM) or scan the QR code on the machine screen with your ABA Mobile app (for CRM and CiM) and then follow the on-screen instructions.
It is a reliable, modern, and safe way to deposit cash to ABA accounts. Make either cash deposit or loan repayment 24/7 at your convenience using ABA CiM or CRM facilities! Visit our ABA Locator webpage to see the locations of ABA cash deposit facilities.