Public​ Announcement​ on​ an​ ungrounded​ accusation​ in​ social​ media


aba customer cash complain KHaba customer cash complain KH

Dear​ valued​ customers,

We​ want​ to​ update​ you​ on​ the​ incident​ dated​ 8​ April,​ where​ a​ customer​ visited​ one​ of​ ABA​ Bank​ branches​ for​ a​ cash​ deposit​ over​ the​ counter​ and​ claimed​ a​ discrepancy​ of​ 1,000,000​ KHR.

​Immediately​ following​ the​ customer's​ claim​ at​ the​ branch,​ our​ respective​ team​ presented​ the​ customer​ with​ a​ video​ of​ the​ cash​ counting​ process​ from​ different​ angles,​ which​ captured​ the​ entire​ cash​ counting​ process.​ However,​ the​ customer​ did​ not​ accept​ the​ explanation​ and​ left​ the​ branch.

On 8 April, the customer published a Facebook post that included false accusations of ABA Bank and exaggerations of what had occurred in reality. Additionally, the customer went live on Facebook the next day, repeating her false accusations and exaggerations. Despite the fact that the Bank scheduled a meeting with the customer on 10 April 2023, demonstrating good will to resolve any misunderstanding, she continued her defamatory activities, including incitement via social media to not use ABA Bank.

The Bank remained committed to finding a resolution and conducted the meeting at its Head Office on 10 April to re-examine the matter. After reviewing the footage again and witnessing other presented findings, the customer acknowledged that the amount deposited was correct and that no money was missing. On the same day, she published the apology letter. However, as of today, the letter is unavailable on her Facebook page.

Firmly​ stating​ that​ the​ customer’s​ accusations​ are​ false​ and​ based​ on​ the​ evidence​ and​ findings​ collected,​ ABA​ Bank​ reserves​ right​ to​ protect​ its​ business​ reputation​ and​ brand​ name,​ including​ filing​ a​ lawsuit​ against​ the​ customer​ to​ court.

With​ this,​ we​ once​ again​ urge​ all​ customers​ to​ contact​ ABA​ Bank​ using​ our​ various​ contact​ channels​ before​ posting​ anything​ online.​ The​ entire​ complaint​ resolution​ procedure​ of​ the​ Bank​ is​ available​ for​ you​ at​​ Failure​ to​ do​ so​ may​ lead​ to​ legal​ action​ against​ those​ who​ make​ false​ or​ ungrounded​ claims​ and​ accusations!

Thank​ you.