We have the winners of ABA online survey!


We have the winners of ABA online survey!We have the winners of ABA online survey!

Dear​ valued​ customers,​ we​ are​ excited​ to​ announce​ the​ winners​ of​ the​ ABA​ online​ survey​ conducted​ in​ September​ –​ December​ 2016.​ After​ our​ random​ selection​ among​ the​ participants,​ we​ identified​ five​ lucky​ customers​ who​ will​ get​ Samsung​ A9​ Pro​ smartphone​ from​ ABA​ Bank!​

Below is the list of our winners:

Full namePrize
Oumchan SithikaSamsung Galaxy A9 Pro
Chhem VichetSamsung Galaxy A9 Pro
Yi SovannaSamsung Galaxy A9 Pro
Phan PharithSamsung Galaxy A9 Pro
To VichlikaSamsung Galaxy A9 Pro

Warmest congratulations!

We will get in touch with each winner, so they could claim the prize from their domestic branch starting from January 20 until February 10, 2017. Thanks to all who joined our survey as it helps us to serve you better in future.