Get $50 voucher and enjoy your shopping!


Get $50 voucher and enjoy your shopping!Get $50 voucher and enjoy your shopping!

Interested in getting a $50 worth voucher for shopping with your favorite brands? Then join our latest ABA Mastercard Platinum promotion! Every month from August 1 until October 31 2017, the first 50 customers who apply for ABA MasterCard Platinum will get $50 worth voucher together with the card.

The offer is limited, so make sure you grab your gift early! The vouchers are redeemable with the following brands: Pedro, Charles and Keith, Lily, New Collection and Adidas located in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap cities.

Get ready for your gift voucher, visit our nearest branch and apply for your ABA Mastercard Platinum today!

For full promotion terms and conditions, please visit Mastercard Promotion page.

Good luck!