Announcement​ on​ the​ interest​ rate​ change​ for​ Savings​ and​ Current​ PLUS​ accounts​ in​ USD


Announcement​ on​ the​ interest​ rate​ change​ for​ Savings​ and​ Current​ PLUS​ accounts​ in​ USD

Dear​ valued​ customers,
We would like to inform you that effective from 5 November 2018, ABA Bank reduces the interest rate for new and existing Savings, Mobile Savings, and Current “PLUS” accounts opened in USD currency.

The​ reduction​ of​ the​ interest​ rate​ is​ as​ follows:

Account TypeExisting Interest Rate
in USD (p.a.)
New Interest Rate
in USD (p.a.)
Savings Account
Mobile Savings Account
Current “PLUS” Account

The​ reduction​ of​ the​ interest​ rate​ is​ made​ considering​ the​ following​ factors:

  • Due​ to​ the​ surplus​ of​ liquidity​ in​ the​ banking​ industry​ in​ general,​ the​ major​ banks​ in​ the​ country​ continue​ to​ lower​ their​ interest​ rates​ for​ Savings​ accounts​ and​ the​ trend​ of​ interest​ rates​ is​ observed​ continuously​ downwards.
  • ABA​ Bank,​ being​ one​ of​ the​ leading​ banks,​ has​ also​ found​ itself​ in​ the​ over​ liquidity​ position​ and​ adopts​ a​ similar​ approach​ toward​ the​ change​ in​ the​ industry.
  • Despite​ the​ revision​ of​ the​ above​ interest​ rate,​ ABA​ provides​ customers​ with​ the​ most​ secure​ and​ advanced​ cutting-edge​ digital​ banking​ solutions​ such​ as​ ABA​ Mobile​ banking​ app,​ iBanking​ service,​ Virtual​ Cards,​ ATMs​ and​ Cash-in​ machines that​ provide​ you​ with​ access​ to​ your​ funds​ 24/7,​ as​ well​ as​ a​ wide​ branch​ network​ across​ the​ country​ with​ selected​ branches​ working​ 12/7.

For​ any​ questions​ related​ to​ these​ changes,​ please​ reach​ your​ Relationship​ Manager,​ email​ us​ at​ info(at) or​ call​ our​ Contact​ Centre​ available​ 24/7​ for​ you​ at​ 023​ 225​ 333.

Thank​ you​ for​ banking​ with​ us!​
Advanced​ Bank​ of​ Asia​ Ltd.