ABA​ Bank​ supports​ Samdech​ Techo​ Project​ for​ landmine-free​ Cambodia​ by​ contributing​ $200,000


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ABA​ Bank,​ the​ largest​ Cambodian​ commercial​ bank,​ signed​ a​ Memorandum​ of​ Understanding​ (MoU)​ with​ the​ Cambodian​ Mine​ Action​ and​ Victim​ Assistance​ Authority​ (CMAA).​ ABA​ makes​ a​ charitable​ contribution​ of​ US$200,000​ to​ the​ Samdech​ Techo​ Project​ for​ Mine​ Action.​ This​ fund​ will​ be​ used​ to​ boost​ the​ mine​ clearance​ work​ to​ achieve​ the​ country's​ goal​ of​ becoming​ a​ mine-free​ nation​ by​ 2025.​

The​ MoU​ signing​ ceremony​ was​ presided​ over​ by​ H.E.​ Ly​ Thuch,​ Senior​ Minister​ of​ the​ Royal​ Government​ of​ Cambodia​ and​ First​ Vice-President​ of​ CMAA,​ Mr.​ Askhat​ Azhikhanov,​ Chief​ Executive​ Officer​ of​ ABA​ Bank,​ and​ other​ distinguished​ guests​ at​ ABA​ Bank​ Headquarters.

Commenting​ on​ the​ MoU,​ Askhat​ Azhikhanov​ said,​ "The​ Cambodian​ Mine​ Action​ and​ Victim​ Assistance​ Authority​ has​ saved​ many​ lives​ throughout​ the​ country​ from​ mines​ and​ explosive​ remnants​ of​ war.​ We​ at​ ABA​ are​ grateful​ for​ their​ hard​ work​ and​ fully​ supportive​ of​ the​ "Samdech​ Techo​ Project​ for​ Mine​ Action"​ (STP-MA)​ initiative​ by​ the​ Prime​ Minister​ to​ achieve​ the​ goal​ of​ a​ mine-free​ Cambodia​ by​ 2025.”

"We​ hope​ our​ modest​ contribution​ will​ help​ this​ incredible​ work​ to​ save​ lives​ and​ provide​ safe​ access​ to​ land,​ infrastructure,​ basic​ social​ services,​ irrigation,​ and​ clean​ water,"​ he​ added.​

“On​ behalf​ of​ Prime​ Minister,​ I​ would​ like​ to​ thank​ ABA​ Bank​ for​ its​ charitable​ contributions​ of​ US$200,000​ to​ the​ “national​ movement”​ demining​ funds​ initiated​ under​ the​ “Samdech​ Techo​ Project​ for​ Mine​ Action.​ Providing​ Safe​ Ground,​ Creating​ Smiles”.​ This​ MoU​ will​ significantly​ contribute​ to​ the​ Cambodian​ people​ to​ live​ in​ a​ mine-free​ country.​ People​ can​ join​ hands​ to​ get​ rid​ of​ remnants​ of​ war,​ and​ clear​ unexploded​ ordnance​ by​ donating​ to​ the​ CMAA​ ABA​ account.”​ said​ H.E​ Ly​ Thuch,​ Senior​ Minister​ of​ the​ Royal​ Government​ of​ Cambodia​ and​ First​ Vice-President​ of​ CMAA.

CMAA​ was​ established​ in​ 2000​ under​ the​ direct​ leadership​ of​ Prime​ Minister​ Hun​ Sen​ for​ regulating,​ monitoring,​ and​ coordinating​ all​ demining​ activities.

In​ addition​ to​ the​ US$200,000​ donation,​ ABA​ will​ soon​ enable​ the​ opportunity​ for​ more​ than​ 2​ million​ of​ its​ ABA​ Mobile​ users​ to​ donate​ to​ CMAA​ directly​ right​ from​ the​ mobile​ app​ free​ of​ charge.

In​ line​ with​ its​ Corporate​ Social​ Responsibility​ values,​ ABA​ Bank​ regularly​ participates​ in​ donations​ and​ charity​ programs​ to​ benefit​ the​ people​ and​ communities.​ Specifically,​ the​ Bank​ recently​ donated​ US$200,000​ to​ the​ Cambodian​ Red​ Cross​ for​ its​ humanitarian​ activities​ and​ supported​ the​ Samdech​ Techo​ Voluntary​ Youth​ Doctor​ Association​ (TYDA)​ on​ providing​ free​ medical​ treatment​ and​ healthcare​ to​ rural​ communities​ across​ the​ country​ and​ the​ Association​ of​ Samdech​ Kittiprittbandit​ Scholarship​ Students​ (AMT)​ for​ supporting​ bright​ and​ gifted​ Cambodians​ via​ scholarships,​ educational​ programs,​ and​ financial​ assistance​ schemes​ with​ US$100,000​ to​ each​ Association,​ as​ well​ as​ donated​ US$1,000,000​ in​ April​ 2021​ to​ support​ the​ Royal​ Government's​ efforts​ to​ stop​ the​ spread​ of​ Covid.