ABA​ Bank​ maintains​ strong​ B+​ credit​ rating​ from​ S&P


aba credit 2024 dt en

ABA​ Bank,​ Cambodia's​ largest​ commercial​ bank​1,​ has​ once​ again​ demonstrated​ its​ financial​ strength​ and​ stability​ by​ securing​ a​ reaffirmed​ 'B+'​ long-term​ credit​ rating​ with​ a​ Stable​ outlook​ from​ the​ world's​ largest​ credit​ rating​ agency,​ Standard​ and​ Poor's​ (S&P)​ Global​ Ratings.​ The​ rating​ was​ reassigned​ to​ ABA​ on​ 13​ December​ 2024.

The​ reaffirmation​ of​ the​ 'B+'​ rating​ comes​ amidst​ a​ challenging​ market​ environment.​ However,​ S&P​ analysts​ expressed​ confidence​ in​ ABA​ Bank's​ ability​ to​ maintain​ its​ strong,​ well-entrenched​ physical​ and​ digital​ presence​ in​ Cambodia​ as​ the​ country's​ largest​ bank.​ This​ will​ continue​ to​ strengthen​ the​ bank's​ funding​ profile.

In​ the​ rationale​ provided​ for​ the​ rating,​ the​ S&P​ experts​ mentioned​ that​ ABA​ Bank's​ deposits​ increased​ 25%​ in​ 2023​ versus​ the​ industry's​ 14%.​ The​ research​ also​ praises​ the​ bank's​ strong​ focus​ on​ technologies​ and​ robust​ development​ of​ its​ digital​ finance​ products.

"ABA's​ digital​ platform​ users​ increased​ over​ 2​ times​ over​ 2021-2023.​ This​ reflected​ the​ bank's​ investments​ in​ technology​ over​ the​ years,​ which​ help​ it​ stand​ out​ in​ Cambodia.​ The​ bank​ uses​ a​ combination​ of​ in-house​ developed​ technology​ and​ solutions​ from​ leading​ IT​ companies,"​ concluded​ S&P​ in​ its​ rating​ paper.

The​ Stable​ outlook​ on​ ABA​ reflects​ the​ experts'​ view​ that​ the​ bank​ will​ sustainably​ balance​ rapid​ loan​ growth​ with​ sufficient​ deposit​ mobilization​ and​ sound​ underwriting​ standards​ over​ the​ next​ 12-18​ months.​ The​ researchers​ also​ believe​ ABA​ Bank​ will​ remain​ a​ strategic​ subsidiary​ of​ National​ Bank​ of​ Canada​ over​ the​ outlook​ horizon.

The​ 'B+'​ credit​ rating​ and​ Stable​ Outlook​ from​ S&P​ Global​ Ratings​ provide​ reassurance​ to​ ABA​ Bank's​ customers,​ investors,​ and​ other​ stakeholders​ on​ the​ bank's​ financial​ soundness,​ strong​ foundation,​ and​ positive​ prospects.

This​ recognition​ is​ a​ testament​ to​ the​ bank's​ strong​ financial​ performance,​ prudent​ risk​ management​ practices,​ and​ commitment​ to​ delivering​ innovative​ banking​ solutions​ to​ customers.

About​ ABA​ Bank
ABA​ Bank​ is​ the​ largest​ commercial​ bank​ in​ Cambodia​ as​ per​ National​ Bank​ of​ Cambodia's​ Supervision​ Reports​ 2021-2023.​ As​ of​ September​ 30,​ 2024,​ the​ bank's​ total​ assets​ amounted​ to​ US$​ 13​ billion,​ customer​ deposits​ reached​ US$​ 10.4​ billion,​ and​ gross​ loans​ climbed​ to​ US$​ 8.5​ billion. With​ 99​ branches,​ 46​ ABA​ 24/7​ spots,​ more​ than​ 1,700​ self-banking​ machines,​ and​ advanced​ online​ and​ mobile​ banking​ platforms,​ ABA​ Bank​ reaches​ out​ to​ 4​ million​ customers​ with​ an​ array​ of​ modern​ financial​ services.

About​ S&P​ Global​ Ratings
With​ more​ than​ 1​ million+​ credit​ ratings​ outstanding​ on​ government,​ corporate,​ financial​ sector​ and​ structured​ finance​ entities​ and​ securities,​ S&P​ Global​ Ratings​ is​ the​ world's​ leading​ provider​ of​ credit​ ratings.​ Its​ credit​ risk​ analyses,​ research​ and​ insights​ support​ the​ growth​ of​ transparent,​ liquid​ debt​ markets​ worldwide.​ S&P​ Global​ Ratings​ has​ approximately​ 1,500​ credit​ analysts​ in​ 128​ countries​ around​ the​ globe.​ Its​ Head​ Office​ is​ headquartered​ in​ New​ York​ City,​ USA.​ For​ more​ information​ visit​ www.spratings.com.

1ABA Bank is the largest commercial bank in Cambodia by total assets, gross loans, customer deposits, and profitability based on the National Bank of Cambodia’s Annual Supervision Report 2021-2023.