ABA team shares experience among SME owners
In helping Cambodia’s SMEs owners to obtain new customers for their businesses, ABA Bank’s business team was honored to be the guest speaker for the business seminar organized by the Cambodian Leading Entrepreneur Academy (CLEA) on September 19, 2019. The event brought together around 100 participants and took place at the Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Center (CKCC).
Under the topic “Increasing New Customers Through Old Customers”, the seminar aimed at bringing relevant speakers to share experience and knowledge with the local SMEs and business owners on how they can gain new clients, while maintaining the existing customer base and the quality of products and services.
In the seminar, ABA Bank’s business team led by Mey Polin, Chief Business Development Officer were among the expert speakers to share ABA’s approaches and lessons learnt as well as to present how the Bank’s products and services can help SME owners to manage and expand their businesses effectively and efficiently.
CLEA is a training institute established in 2016 to provide various short courses and workshops for those who wish to start their own business. Since then, CLEA has also established a strong link between Cambodian and foreign business owners to better collaborate and to bring Cambodia’s business to be recognized globally.