ABA​ recognized​ for​ excellence​ in​ providing​ guaranteed​ accounts​ by​ CGCC


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ABA​ Bank,​ the​ largest​ commercial​ bank​ in​ Cambodia​1,​ was​ awarded​ the​ 'Outstanding​ Performance​ in​ Number​ of​ Guaranteed​ Accounts​ 2024'​ award​ from​ the​ Credit​ Guarantee​ Corporation​ of​ Cambodia​ (CGCC)​ at​ the​ Annual​ Seminar​ on​ "Innovation​ of​ Credit​ Guarantee​ to​ Promote​ Green​ Financing"​ on​ 23​ January​ 2025.

The​ seminar​ was​ presided​ over​ by​ H.E.​ Ros​ Seilava,​ Secretary​ of​ State​ of​ MEF,​ with​ representatives​ from​ banks​ and​ microfinance​ institutions,​ domestic​ and​ international​ development​ partners,​ and​ other​ relevant​ stakeholders.

Having​ received​ the​ CGCC​ awards​ for​ three​ consecutive​ years,​ ABA​ has​ continuously​ been​ recognized​ for​ its​ exceptional​ efforts​ in​ providing​ a​ significant​ number​ of​ guaranteed​ accounts.​ This​ achievement​ significantly​ enhances​ financial​ inclusion​ and​ access​ to​ finance​ for​ micro-,​ small​ and​ medium​ enterprises​ (MSMEs)​ across​ Cambodia.

"We​ are​ honored​ to​ receive​ the​ award​ from​ CGCC​ for​ the​ third​ time.​ This​ recognition​ underscores​ our​ commitment​ and​ continued​ support​ to​ the​ sustainable​ growth​ of​ our​ MSMEs​ in​ the​ country,"​ commented​ Lida​ Sem,​ ABA's​ Chief​ Medium​ and​ Large​ Business​ Lending​ Officer.

"With​ the​ loans​ guaranteed​ by​ CGCC,​ we​ can​ play​ a​ role​ in​ providing​ the​ necessary​ resources​ for​ MSMEs​ to​ thrive,​ whether​ that​ be​ their​ business​ expansion,​ investment,​ or​ working​ capital​ needs,​ further​ fostering​ economic​ progress."​ He​ concluded.

Through​ the​ seminar,​ CGCC​ also​ announced​ the​ official​ launch​ of​ the​ "Wholesale​ Guarantee​ Scheme",​ aiming​ to​ provide​ guarantees​ on​ existing​ business​ loans​ of​ Participating​ Financial​ Institutions​ (PFIs).​ This​ scheme​ will​ share​ risk​ with​ PFIs​ and​ reduce​ the​ risk​ weight​ on​ the​ part​ of​ the​ exposure​ guaranteed​ by​ CGCC.

Aligning​ with​ the​ Bank's​ corporate​ mission​ and​ values,​ ABA​ has​ consistently​ facilitated​ easier​ loan​ access​ for​ MSMEs​ throughout​ Cambodia.​ This​ active​ effort​ empowers​ local​ businesses​ to​ grow​ to​ their​ fullest​ potential​ and​ enhance​ community​ development.

Customers​ can​ learn​ more​ about​ access​ to​ loans​ via​ our​ Small​ Business​ Loan​ webpage​ or​ call​ us​ at​ 1​ 800​ 203​ 203​ (toll-free​ inside​ Cambodia).​

1 ABA is Cambodia's largest commercial bank in terms of assets, deposits, loans, and profitability, according to the Annual Supervision Report 2021-2023 of the National Bank of Cambodia.