Earn more with ABA Savings and Current PLUS accounts!


increased savings interest

Dear​ valued​ customers,

​Making​ saving​ with​ ABA​ Bank​ more​ attractive​ for​ our​ customers,​ we​ inform​ you​ that​ from​ 16​ May​ 2022​ ABA​ Bank​ increases​ interest​ rates​ for​ all​ new​ and​ existing​ Savings​ Accounts​ and​ Current​ PLUS accounts​ in​ USD​ and​ KHR​ for​ businesses​ and​ individuals.​ With​ this​ revision,​ customers​ can​ enjoy​ high​ returns​ from​ their​ savings​ and​ current​ accounts​ in​ KHR​ of​ up​ to​ 1.5%​ per​ annum​ and​ up​ to​ 0.75%​ per​ annum​ for​ accounts​ in​ USD.

The​ new​ rates​ for​ the​ Savings​ Account​ and​ Current​ PLUS​ account​ following​ the​ interest​ rate​ tiers​ based​ on​ the​ daily​ balance​ are​ as​ follows:

Interest​ rates​ (p.a.)​ in​ USD

 Savings Account
for Individuals
Savings Account
for Businesses
Current PLUS Account
for Individuals
Current PLUS Account
for Businesses
For daily balance 1,000 and below0.10%0.10%0.10%0.10%
For daily balance 10,000 and below0.15%0.15%0.15%0.15%
For daily balance 25,000 and below0.20%0.20%0.20%0.20%
For daily balance 50,000 and below0.25%0.25%0.25%0.25%
For daily balance 100,000 and below0.35%0.35%0.35%0.35%
For daily balance 500,000 and below0.50%0.50%0.50%0.50%
For daily balance above 500,0000.75%0.75%0.75%0.75%

Interest​ rates​ (p.a.)​ in​ KHR

 Savings Account
for Individuals
Savings Account
for Businesses
Current PLUS Account
for Individuals
Current PLUS Account
for Businesses
For daily balance 20,000,000 and below1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%
For daily balance 100,000,000 and below1.25%1.25%1.25%1.25%
For daily balance above 100,000,0001.50%1.50%1.50%1.50%

For​ any​ questions​ related​ to​ these​ changes,​ please​ reach​ your​ Relationship​ Manager,​ email​ us​ at​ info@remove-this.ababank.com​ or​ call​ our​ Contact​ Center​ available​ 24/7​ for​ you​ at​ 1 ​800​ 203​ 203.​

Save​ more​ with​ ABA​ Bank!