ABA​ Bank​ donates​ to​ Japan​ Heart's​ second​ medical​ center​ project​


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ABA​ Bank​ is​ pleased​ to​ announce​ its​ donation​ of​ $10,000​ to​ Japan​ Heart,​ an​ international​ non-profit​ organization​ dedicated​ to​ providing​ free​ medical​ care​ to​ children​ across​ Cambodia.​ This​ significant​ contribution​ will​ aid​ Japan​ Heart's​ mission​ to​ expand​ its​ healthcare​ services​ by​ constructing​ its​ second​ medical​ center.​

Scheduled​ to​ open​ in​ Takhmao​ by​ October​ 2025,​ the​ new​ facility​ of​ Japan​ Heart​ Asia​ Children​ Medical​ Center​ will​ be​ equipped​ with​ specialized​ departments​ in​ pediatrics,​ surgery,​ hematology,​ and​ oncology.​ This​ expansion​ is​ crucial​ in​ addressing​ the​ growing​ demand​ for​ quality​ healthcare​ and​ ensuring​ more​ children​ receive​ lifesaving​ medical​ services.​

On​ 11​ December​ 2024,​ the​ donation​ handover​ ceremony​ was​ held​ under​ the​ attendance​ of​ ABA's​ Chief​ Operating​ Officer,​ Zhiger​ Atchabarov,​ Japan​ Heart's​ Director,​ Dr.​ Maiko​ Kojiro,​ and​ their​ respective​ teams​ at​ Japan​ Heart​ Children's​ Medical​ Center​ in​ Oudong​ district,​ Kandal​ province.​

“Today,​ ABA​ Bank​ is​ deeply​ honored​ to​ contribute​ towards​ the​ establishment​ of​ Japan​ Heart's​ second​ branch​ in​ Takhmao.​ We​ understand​ that​ access​ to​ quality​ healthcare​ is​ fundamental​ to​ the​ well-being​ of​ individuals​ and​ communities,”​ stated​ Zhiger​ Atchabarov.

“This​ moment​ reflects​ not​ only​ a​ partnership​ but​ also​ a​ shared​ vision​ –​ a​ vision​ for​ better​ healthcare​ access​ and​ a​ brighter​ future​ for​ the​ people​ of​ Cambodia.​ By​ supporting​ Japan​ Heart's​ efforts,​ we​ hope​ to​ help​ expand​ the​ reach​ and​ impact,​ ensuring​ that​ this​ incredible​ work​ can​ touch​ more​ lives,”​ he​ continued.​

Dr.​ Maiko​ Kojiro,​ Japan​ Heart's​ Director,​ also​ expressed,​ “At​ our​ medical​ center,​ we​ believe​ every​ child​ deserves​ access​ to​ quality​ healthcare,​ especially​ the​ ones​ with​ cancer,​ regardless​ of​ their​ financial​ situation.​ Unfortunately,​ many​ families​ face​ overwhelming​ challenges​ when​ trying​ to​ support​ medical​ treatment​ for​ their​ children.”​

“Therefore,​ this​ donation​ will​ make​ a​ big​ difference​ in​ their​ lives.​ We​ would​ like​ to​ express​ our​ gratitude​ to​ ABA​ Bank​ for​ your​ generosity.​ We​ look​ forward​ to​ working​ together​ and​ continuing​ this​ shared​ mission​ of​ providing​ care​ to​ those​ who​ need​ it​ most.​ Lastly,​ we​ would​ like​ to​ urge​ all​ parents​ and​ guardians​ of​ children​ with​ rising​ symptoms​ of​ any​ type​ of​ cancer​ to​ seek​ consultation​ and​ medical​ advice​ from​ Japan​ Heart's​ team​ of​ experts.”​ Maiko​ Kojiro​ added.

Since​ its​ arrival​ in​ Cambodia​ in​ 2009​ and​ the​ start​ of​ pediatric​ cancer​ treatment​ in​ 2018,​ Japan​ Heart​ Children's​ Medical​ Center​ in​ Kandal​ province​ has​ been​ working​ tirelessly.​ By​ December​ 2023,​ the​ center​ had​ provided​ healthcare​ and​ medical​ examinations​ to​ 98,363​ patients​ and​ performed​ 8,680​ surgeries.​

Annually,​ the​ medical​ center​ treats​ 20,000​ outpatients​ and​ performs​ 3,000​ surgeries. ABA​ remains​ steadfast​ in​ its​ commitment​ to​ supporting​ quality​ healthcare​ initiatives​ and​ making​ lasting​ impacts​ on​ many​ individuals'​ health​ and​ well-being​ in​ the​ foreseeable​ future.

​ABA​ customers​ can​ also​ contribute​ to​ supporting​ Japan​ Heart​ directly​ in​ ABA​ Mobile.​ To​ donate,​ follow​ these​ simple​ steps:​

  • Launch​ ABA​ Mobile​ and​ tap​ Payments;​
  • ​Go​ to​ Charity​ &​ Donation​ and​ select​ Japan​ Heart​ Children's​ Medical​ Center;
  • ​​Choose​ the​ account​ you​ wish​ to​ donate​ from,​ enter​ your​ phone​ number​ and​ amount,​ and​ tap​ Pay​ Now.